Friday 13 April 2012

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

1. To complete my movie I used an iMac because of it's range of software and reliability. I have previously used a Apple Mac before so I already knew about the different technology.  However I only knew the basics and have recently learnt a lot about different software and how to use it.

2. Whiles filming my movie I used a dolly in order to create a smooth camera movement when my actress was running. 

3. To film my movie I used a Cannon 550D, which I found easy to use and set up.

4. I also used a tripod whiles filming my movie to improve the quality of the shots and steadiness of the camera.

5. In my movie there is a time-lapse scene, I used the time-lapse controller to take a photo every two seconds so I could build up a scene of different shots moving quickly.

6. In the editing process I used Sound Track Pro in order to create a soundtrack for my opening sequence. I had never used this programme before so experimenting with it first helped a lot before using it to create my soundtrack. Soundtrack Pro enabled me to insert music over the top of my footage and allowed me to experiment with different sound effects.

7. Final Cut Pro is the main programme I used to edit my movie. Again, I had never used Final Cut before, so I experimented first by doing my preliminary task and mundane task. Final Cut allowed me to shorten clips and make the footage flow between each scene. I also added different effects to my footage on Final Cut such as slow motion and light leeks.

8. I have used After Effects for doing my production company and titles for my movie, again I had not used After Effects before so I experimented by making titles for Mission Impossible 3.

Blogger and Youtube have acted as an archive for all of my work I have produced throughout the course, for example displaying my research and uploading experiments with different software. I have also used Youtube for planning and research of different movies that have influenced my own. 

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

The above screenshots are from my Preliminary Task that was set at the beginning of the course. Since the beginning of the course I have learnt a lot about research, planning, filming and editing my movie. From the above screen shots you can see that I was experimenting with different camera angles and seeing which camera angles worked best for each scene. 

The above screenshots are different camera angles I have used in my final film.

I think throughout the course I have improved on a wider range of shots, for example close ups, high/low angle shots, long shots and medium shots. Also the editing process, using Final Cut Pro as in the Preliminary Task I was not using the full potential of the software and used a wider range of effects and editing tools in my final film.

Thursday 12 April 2012

Experimental Videos

My Preliminary Task was the first experimental video I did, where I experimented with different camera angles using the 180 degree rule. I had to complete a small project of a subject walking, making a conversation and getting in to the lift. I then uploaded it onto my youtube channel.

This was the second experimental video I did, I have done this Mundane Task to show the possible camera angles I can use in my film and practice using the different programmes needed to edit my final opening sequence.

This was the final experimental movie I did, we worked as a group to re-create a scene from The Book of Eli. We experimented with different camera angles and settings to what we thought would go well with the script we got given. We were not aloud to watch the clip before hand so we had to think carefully about camera angles, location, props and sound effects.

By doing these experimental videos, I felt that it gave me experience and learning different skills for when needing to edit, add sound and titles for my final movie sequence.