Sunday 16 October 2011


Setting: Sand dunes
Music: Dramatic music
Theme : Running away
Title: Isolated.

Will start with a location shot and then with a head shot of a girl looking straight in to the camera. The girl has been running so she it breathing heavily, and looks scared. The girl has schizophrenia so the way I would like to portray this to the viewer is by having whispers, which symbolises  voicers in her head. The camera will slowly start to zoom into her eye and she will start having flash backs of why she is running. For the flash backs I will be using timelapse to show her moving quickly which adds effect and helps portray her schizophrenia. the camera will zoom back slowly and back into a head shot. The girl is still looking scared and starts to run. Then the music will start and I will get different camera angles of her running, starting with a body shot and ending with her knees falling to the sand. The camera will slowly rise to a head shot of the girls face and she starts to cry.

I have chosen the title Isolated because of the location I have used is quite isolated and because the girl with schizophrenia is isolated from everyone else.

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